YH-Digitalisering/smarta fabriker
Educational goal
Attractive work in Smart Factories
Den digitala transformationen startar hos kundens värdeskapande och slutar i tekniken
Den uppkopplade fabriken
Den förstärkta och digitala fabriken
Digital platforms
Digitalisation in the process industry of the future
The digital factory of the future places new demands on maintenance
YuMi - colloborativ robot
Artificial Intelligence to improve the quality of Additive Manufactured components
AI och framtiden
AI, evolution and mathematical models
3D model of production plant
3D printed plastic parts in serial production
3D scanning promotes flexibility in production
3D skrivare ger fantastiska möjligheter
Additive manufacturing with metal
Additive manufacturing at Sandvik
AI och robotar - när händer det?
The use of AR in assembly – Installers can view the instructions in their smart glasses
AR/VR application – examples from ABB
Att skapa en vision för sin digitalisering.
Gamification in a Workshop Environment
To dare to do the analogue digitally
Automating nut tightening using machine learning
Bildigenkänning för effektivare produktion
Big Data creates new business models
The wireless shop floor
The Internet of Things provides a better overview for ABB
Exempel på smarta arbetssätt
Digitalisation - change the right thing with the right data
Levels of automation - a triology (part 1)
Levels of Automation - a triology (part 2)
Grader av automation - en triologi (del 2) kopia
Exempel på hur AI kan användas
IoT for bolted joints
Introduction to digitalisation with smart working methods at Swedish Match
Perceived Software Engineering Challenges Facing the Truck Manufacturing Industry in the 5G Era - thesis project
Höja effektivitet genom 5G-förberedd uppkoppling
Människa-robot-samarbete på Volvo Trucks - examensarbete
IT-infrastruktur i Smarta Fabriker
Podcast about Smart Maintenance
Visualisation with point cloud at Chalmers
Virtuell träning ökar säkerheten i industrin
VR – now we can get it right before getting it wrong
VR within Service Engineering
Virtual Commissioning och konstruktion av en digital tvilling för Smarta Fabriker - examensarbete
The importance of a well-functioning and flexible digital infrastructure in dynamic production environment: Case study Scania
What is a digital twin?
What is big data, and how can we use it?
An introduction to attractive work in the factory of the future
Human-Robot-x (HRx); vilka olika typer av interaktion finns mellan människa och robot?
How do you use your VR glasses with your smartphone?
Knowledge transfer with the help of films and QR codes in Smart Factories
Point cloud models of Smart Factories
Collaborative robot applications - interview with an expert
How can we make use of smart robots?
Using VR in project Smarta Fabriker
Spelifiering i teknikutbildningar för att öka gemenskap och mångfald
Underhållssystem – varför välja molnet?
The connected factory with 5G from SKF, Ericsson and Chalmers
Training operators in Smart Factories
Smart Maintenance and using 3D printers
Smart Maintenance of Volvo Cars
Smart sensors make intelligent motors
Other info
Dennis Bergsman, Högsbo Säljkonsulter AB