Kompetensväxling inom Svensk Industri

In this podcast, three HR experts from some of the largest Swedish industrial companies talk together with Åsa Vikner, responsible for competence supply at the West Swedish Chamber of Commerce. Participating in the conversation are Cathrine Andersson from Volvo Cars, Maria Bergman from GKN Aerospace and Håkan Celik from SKF. The conversation is about the exchange of competence that takes place in connection with digitalisation and they discuss which competencies are important in the future.

The conversation addresses the question of how digitalisation and new technologies affect the various companies, and they also touch on new business models, such as circular economy and servicification. They also talk about how far the three companies have come on their digitalisation journey and reason that the longer the journey goes, the greater the insight into what the company wants to achieve. In connection with this, they also go into the companies' digitalisation strategies and then come to the question of how important it is to create competence in digitalisation - partly to remove the fear of an unknown topic and partly for employees to have tools to be able to participate in the journey of digitization. But also the lifelong learning for the employee as an individual is described as an important basis for showing how important it is to offer competence development.

The conversation ends with the questions, where there is the greatest need for skills exchange and which skills will be most important in the future. One of the conclusions is that the responsibility for the exchange of skills lies with the employer but also with the employee and that the employee's responsibility for their own lifelong learning is becoming increasingly important.

Listen to a podcast about competence exchange in Swedish industry. The podcast is in Swedish.

The conversation between Åsa Vikner, Håkan Celik, Cathrine Andersson and Maria Bergman (from left)


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This article is categorised as Intermediate  |  Published 2020-06-24  |  Authored by Greta Braun