Catarina Berglund Processmanager at Automation Region.

Medskick till den nya regeringen: IndTech stärker svensk konkurrenskraft

Publicerad: 11 October 2022

But technology itself is not the only solution. We need to add a number of other ingredients such as collaboration, supply of skills and increased investments in R&D – conditions that facilitate the industry's digitization, and not least, a sustainability journey. Only then will we contribute to a strong, sustainable and competitive industry that lays the foundation for a thriving society. IndTech, en förkortning av Industrial Technology, är ett relativt nytt begrepp som innebär att kompetens och lösningar från it-branschen appliceras i industrin för att göra den mer smart, säker och hållbar. Branschen omsätter idag 105 miljarder kronor, eller hela 238 miljarder kronor, beroende på hur vi räknar. I runda slängar är det i nivå med basnäringarna, men med högre tillväxttakt och lönsamhet. Enkelt uttryckt: En fantastisk framtidsbransch för vårt land.

The IndTech industry thus has the potential to strengthen Swedish finances, contribute to welfare and, through the industry's green transition in combination with the availability of fossil-free electricity, also create a more sustainable society - both locally and globally.

The ingredients that politics now needs to contribute going forward are above all;

💰 Invest and create attractiveness to research and developent.

💡 Strengthen the competence supply within IndTech.

🤖 Be the lead in digitalisation.

🌱 Facilitate the industry's climate transition.

Now the new government must take responsibility for increasing the pace of the industry's transition. Give us, our member companies and partners the conditions, and we will make sure to lead the IndTech movement - for the good of the industry and Sweden.

At Automation Region, we work across borders - everything to increase the competitiveness of all of Sweden. And we know that our Swedish companies have the competence, the will and the resources.

Automation Region is a dynamic innovation environment that, together with over 160 committed members and partners, works to market Swedish automation competence, stimulate innovations and secure the industry's long-term competence supply.

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Welcome to contact us with your questions, big and small!

Industrial robot with conveyor in manufacture factory 951989120 7952x5304
We need to make use of the diversity we have of technology, innovation and people - together we will be able to strengthen Sweden's competitiveness.

Published 2022-10-11  |  Authored by Catarina Berglund