Good Solutions presents factors for success for the implementation of data-driven production monitoring

Growing numbers are digitalising production monitoring in order to obtain facts to support daily management and improvements. Backed by several years of experience, Good Solutions offers advice on how this can be successfully implemented into your business.

This includes the following:

  • Try not to begin with the technology, that is, databases and machine signals.
  • Provide the reporting processes with facts.
  • Show information which drives the right behaviours.
  • Identify the right OEE culture.
  • Formulate a clear loss model, with areas of responsibility for different roles.
  • Utilise a user-friendly interference model.
  • Document actions to avoid dependency on individuals.
  • Compile a start-up plan with quality assurance as well as a training plan.
  • Organise management and support.
  • Network and exchange experience with colleagues.

Follow the link to download the e-book on how to successfully implement OEE monitoring in the right way.

Datadriven Produktionsuppfîljning Toppbild
Sammanfattning av erfarenheter från över 150 införanden av datadriven produktionsuppföljning i fabriker i Sverige och utomlands.


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This article is categorised as Intermediate  |  Published 2018-03-23  |  Authored by Sandra Mattsson