Flexibilitet och uppkoppling

Internet of Things är ett begrepp som har pratats om mycket de sista åren. Denna film belyser Ericssons och ABB's perspektiv på en uppkopplad industri och hur 5G och kollaborativa robotar kommer möjliggöra en flexibel fabrik.

Internet of Things is a concept that's been talked about a lot the last few years. This film highlights Ericsson's and ABB's perspective on how a connected industry and how 5G and collaborative robots will enable a flexible factory.

If we connect more and more sensors and machines, that implies that we need a very good wireless connection. Cables would make the production very unflexible otherwise. The reason why we want to achieve flexible production is a change in customer behavior that can be seen in out society, where tailored products are demanded. Therefore, we need flexible automation to be able to meet the customer's needs. Wireless connection by 5G and collaborative, flexible robots can be the solution to these problems!


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This article is categorised as Intermediate  |  Published 2020-06-03  |  Authored by Greta Braun